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  • House Cusps

    Posted by Michael Reed on January 16, 2021 at 11:11 am

    This is from Gaurang and is one of the questions I am asked most. Will reply with a text answer later and perhaps also then add a brief video in the coming days.

    House Cusps

    Theoretically, I was able to understand that house cusps provide a defined and a precise delineation. Got further insights by knowing that they are specific degree points in the sky that fall in a particular rashi or a sign. However, am unable to understand, that from a practical view point, how can any equal house in a chart be empty and not have the house in it e.g. 3rd equal house may just have the rashi in it but no house and the third house may appear in the 4th equal house. Similarly, the 4th house may appear in the 5th equal house and the 6th equal house might have the 5th and 6th house cusps. Can you please guide and help in understanding how can this happen from a practical viewpoint, like a house remaining empty and some equal houses having two houses within them i.e. cusps. Thank You for your help.

    Michael Reed replied 3 years, 12 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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