Total Solar Eclipse in Ashwini – In an ideal world, what do you want to create going forward? Though it may be hard to hold this vision steady in your mind, let it take form, make an imprint and then forget about it for the moment. You may feel like you don’t deserve it or that good things never happen to you. But you would do best to not let your mind descend into such thoughts. How does your vision serve those with whom you are connected? If you find yourself in a position where it feels like realizing the bigger picture requires sacrifice and adaptation of your original idea, is that something that you are willing to do? With the Total Solar Eclipse in Ashwini, you are only feeling of two minds due to resisting solidarity. Your way to independence involves initially joining forces. Stay focused on that first and foremost.

I have made a very special consultation for you designed specifically for Eclipse Season and available for you to schedule for only $129. Schedule Here !

Vara: Jupiter
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Priiti