You find great honour in your actions! But tht can be problematic as much as it can be beneficial! You need to stay strong in order to breathe new life into a change. But you equally need to be cautious about coming across too strong! Remain humble in your approach. Be firm, but not forceful. If things do not come together as quickly as you had hoped, try not to get impatient with the process. Come back to the sense of purpose which drives your actions. That is the focus that you need. All else is a distraction!

Daily Panchanga
Vara: Sun
Tithi: Shukla Panchami
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Siddha





Would you like to understand more about the transits of Ketu, Saturn and Rahu in association with your own horoscope? I am hosting a Group Session on this transit where all attendees will have their chart briefly assessed from this perspective for only $49! Limited Spaces are available, but registration open until those spaces are filled! Details Here!