Dhanishtha Full Moon 10th August, 2014 – Pendulum Swing

We are sometimes pulled this way and sometimes that. And when we are on the pendulum, we wonder if it will ever stop and reach a point of stasis. Options are becoming available. But, you are uncertain of which ones to accept and which ones to discount. As soon as something feels tantalising, you find a reason to doubt its potential and find yourself stuck in a state of suspension and indecision. Learn from the past. Do what feels right in your heart. But above all, focus on that which just comes naturally to you. In that way, you will find much needed direction.

I have just added a video to my Astrological Services page, explaining my approach to astrology and how you can benefit from the gift of Vedic Astrology. I hope that you will take the time to Visit the Page!

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