To avoid causing delay to avid students whilst I upload each class individually, this course contains a YouTube playlist as the second lesson which contains all 29 classes on it. I will be, over the coming months, adding the classes individually.

Rahu and Ketu are the main Karmic Factors in the Horoscope! Understanding the Nakshatras that Rahu and Ketu are placed in becomes so vitally important to integrate! It helps us to more deeply fathom the meaning of the lesson we are each brought into existence to learn, integrate and hopefully use to graduate from this Great Academy of Existence!

Course Instructor

Michael Reed avatar Michael Reed Author

The focus of my work is in assisting my clients in discovering and living in harmony with their true potential, thereby aligning their own soul’s rhythm in harmony with the Pulse of the Universe. To do so, I utilise the ancient art and science of Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish. As a Counseling Astrologer with over twenty-five years of experience in the astrological field, I have shared my gift with thousands of clients worldwide.

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