Saturday March 8th Class Postponed as Not Enough Confirmed Attendees to Host Class.

Truly seeing the horoscope is the key to making an excellent prediction.

While that may sound like a no-brainer, I mean TRULY seeing the horoscope on a multitude of levels.

You see, most glances at a chart only return the obvious. And whilst it is fairly simple to see simple factors like the impact of a Venus period on relationships, etc., there are many things that the planets are doing and creating that often get overlooked in the process of making a prediction.

And being able to see these ‘many things’ is what makes the difference between average and excellent Astrology.

This course is designed to help you to become adept at Seeing the Horoscope in an in-depth manner so that your capacity to work with Astrology skyrockets.

Course Information

Difficulty: Webinar Intermediate

Course Instructor

Michael Reed avatar Michael Reed Author

The focus of my work is in assisting my clients in discovering and living in harmony with their true potential, thereby aligning their own soul’s rhythm in harmony with the Pulse of the Universe. To do so, I utilise the ancient art and science of Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish. As a Counseling Astrologer with over twenty-five years of experience in the astrological field, I have shared my gift with thousands of clients worldwide.

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