Learning the Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) of Vedic Astrology

A 27 class course designed to give you an experience of the Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) with nearly an hour spent on each Nakshatra!

I often find in my interaction with others that there is a vast misunderstanding of the Power of Nakshatras! Many only attempt to use them predictively to further define the details of specific concrete predictions. But should we go through life only understanding ‘What’ and negating ‘Why’? Whilst Nakshatras can serve us predictively, in only working with them in this manner we are using less than 1% of the potential for which they are intended.

The Nakshatras are considered the wives of the Moon. Mythologically, it is the consort of a deity that carries the shakti, or power or energy, of the deity! If you think of it, the Moon is responsible for the rise and fall of the tides! In a similar fashion it is responsible for the rise and calming of the tides which flow within the modulations of our sensory mind. The Nakshatras carry out this pull on our psyche to cause us to work through the karmic drama we are each involved in.

The Moon is Manas, our Consciousness or Sensory Mind, which is used amongst other things to perceive experiences and develop a reaction based upon our perception. The Moon reflects the Light of the Sun, the Atman which on an individual level is the jivatman or individual soul. The Moon either reflects this light clearly and strongly, or wanes in its capacity to do so. The Moon in simplicity relates to our capacity to grow our being! So, the Nakshatras define how this is done in regard to the component that is placed within them!

This gives them a vast propensity for use therapeutically as the tools with which to grow the karma of a particular factor are deeply defined by the Nakshatras! Each class of this course is devoted to the energy of one particular Nakshatra, giving us an opportunity to thoroughly become acquainted with each Nakshatra and what it means for the individual growing their experience of consciousness through this Nakshatra. Not only will this help you to understand how to work with each nakshatra, but also it will give you a deeper understanding of what each Nakshatra is truly about.

Course Information

Difficulty: Fundamentals

Course Instructor

Michael Reed
Michael Reed Author

The focus of my work is in assisting my clients in discovering and living in harmony with their true potential, thereby aligning their own soul’s rhythm in harmony with the Pulse of the Universe. To do so, I utilise the ancient art and science of Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish. As a Counseling Astrologer with over twenty-five years of experience in the astrological field, I have shared my gift with thousands of clients worldwide.

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Course Information

Difficulty: Fundamentals

    • PDF
      • Nakshatra Secrets Course PDF
    • What Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) are Astronomically
      • Nakshatras and Astronomy
    • How the Components of Astrology Work Together
      • What Are the Planets (Grahas)?
      • What Are the Signs (Rasis)?
      • What Are the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)?
    • Nakshatra Associations
      • Deities of the Nakshatras
      • Nature of the Nakshatras
      • Kingdom of the Nakshatras
      • Emissaries of the Nakshatras
      • Gunas (Virtues) of the Nakshatras
      • Karma, Bhoga and Naasa (Action, Enjoyment and Loss)
      • Trimurthi or Brahma, Vishnu and Siva Associations
      • Doshas (Disorders) of the Nakshatras
      • Ganas (Bands or Races) of the Nakshatras
      • Castes of the Nakshatras
      • Gazes of the Nakshatras
      • Yonis (Descents) of the Nakshatras
      • Primary Motivations of the Nakshatras
    • The Rajasic or Misty Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras)
      • Ashwini Nakshatra
      • Bharani Nakshatra
      • Krittika Nakshatra
      • Rohini Nakshatra
      • Mrigasira Nakshatra
      • Ardra Nakshatra
      • Punarvasu Nakshatra
      • Pushya Nakshatra
      • Ashlesha Nakshatra
    • The Tamasic or Dark Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras)
      • Magha Nakshatra
      • Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
      • Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
      • Hasta Nakshatra
      • Chitra Nakshatra
      • Swati Nakshatra
      • Vishakha Nakshatra
      • Anuradha Nakshatra
      • Jyeshtha Nakshatra
    • The Sattvic or True Essence Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras)
      • Mula Nakshatra
      • Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
      • Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
      • Sravana Nakshatra
      • Dhanishtha Nakshatra
      • Shatabhishak Nakshatra
      • Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
      • Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
      • Revati Nakshatra