Get to Know the Planets (Grahas) Module 1

One thing I have witnessed with students of Vedic Astrology, as well as a reflection of my own personal journey, is that students are very enthusiastic to get down to the nuts and bolts of prediction and interpretation. As a result, they learn a little about the planets and then start to explore further without more deeply expanding their knowledge. But, we really need to learn about the planets deeply. For instance, you may randomly need to know what Graha rules refrigerators. Or, you may see a difficult event in a person’s life that happens in a Moon Dasa, only the Moon is strong and it doesn’t make any sense to you, until you learn that the strength of Mercury and the Moon are connected. If one is weak, the other has to work harder.

There is so much about the planets that students of astrology never learn. This course is designed to teach you as much on the planets as possible. There is a companion text to this course, which I highly recommend that you purchase for the information on the course to make more sense. The book is Graha Sutras by Ernst Wilhelm and contains more on the planets than you can imagine. This text will be used as our main resource. But there will be tidbits of information in the course PDF.

When you learn the planets to a very deep level, your prediction accuracy will soar and interpretation will have more colour! I hope you enjoy the course!


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Course Information

    • New Section
      • Know the Planets (Grahas) PDF
      • Introduction to the Course
      • How the Planets (Grahas) Work
    • Incarnations (Avatars) of the Planets (Grahas)
      • Incarnations (Avatars) of the Planets (Grahas)
      • The Sun as Rama (Dark)
      • The Moon as Krishna (Dark)
      • Mars as Narasimha (Man-Lion)
      • Mercury as Buddha (Awakened)
      • Jupiter as Vamana (Short Stature)
      • Venus as Parashurama (Rama with the Axe)
      • Saturn as Kurma (Tortoise)
      • Rahu as Varaha (Boar)
      • Ketu as Miina (Fish) Incarnation
    • Names of the Planets
      • Names of the Planets (Grahas)
      • Names of the Sun
      • Names of the Moon
      • Names of Mars
      • Names of Mercury
      • Names of Jupiter
      • The Names of Venus
      • Names of Saturn
      • Names of Rahu (The North Node)
      • Names of Ketu (The South Node)
    • The Planets as Gentle and Cruel
      • Gentle (Saumya) and Cruel (Krura) Planets
      • Sun as Cruel (Krura)
      • Moon as Gentle and Cruel (Saumya, Krura)
      • Mars as Cruel (Krura)
      • Mercury as a Gentle and Cruel Planet (Saumya, Krura)
      • Jupiter as Gentle (Saumya)
      • Venus as Gentle (Saumya)
      • Saturn as Cruel (Krura)
      • Rahu as Cruel (Krura)
      • Ketu as Cruel (Krura)
      • Gentlest and Cruellest Planets
    • Planets as Aspects of Self
      • Self Aspect of the Planets
      • Sun as the Whole Self (Sarva Atman)
      • The Moon as Sensory Mind (Manas)
      • Mars as Strength of Character (Sattvam)
      • Mercury as Consciousness Spoken
      • Jupiter as Joy Giving Knowing
      • Saturn as Sorrow (Dukha)
    • Kingdom of the Planets
      • The Planetary Kingdom
      • Sun and Moon as Sovereigns
      • Mars as Overseer
      • Mercury as the Young Sovereign
      • Jupiter and Venus as the Counselors
      • Saturn as the Menial
      • The Nodes as the Army
    • Conclusion
      • Conclusion of Module 1