Computer Generated Written Reports

These reports are computer generated by the manufacturers of Kala Vedic Astrology Software and are highly accurate. To order, please click on the image for the desired report and you will be redirected to to complete your order.

Computer Generated Written Reports

The Vedic Relationship Compatibility Report cuts to the chase and looks at the bottom line of you and your partner’s relationship.

  1. Does your relationship flow in such a way that there is room for both of you to feel loved and respected?
  2. Are you naturally attuned to each other or are you on a different wavelength?
  3. Will destiny obstruct your relationship making it impossible for you to be completely together, or will any present obstacles in the way of your full commitment to each other go away in time?
  4. Does your relationship attract endless troubles and difficulties, or will it settle down and allow you to build a productive life together?
  5. Are you both equally assertive so that you can have a true partnership without one person dominating the relationship?

And the bottom line – will your relationship flow in such a way that you both become better, happier people and more loving?

Price $14.95

Computer Generated Written Reports

The Relationship Timing Report uses Vedic Astrology principles to show the dates of all the relationship centered days for you to look forward to for a five year period. Days of love and affection, marriage and commitment, co-creation (mutual productivity, children, etc.) and “soul mate” days of deep bonding are all shown. The report also indicates which of these days will be the important life changing days and which will just be nice relationship centered days, but not life changing days. The report does not time days of quarrelling, breaking up, divorce and other such tragedies – life is hard enough without having a time table of horrible days to look towards, so we decided not to add those days into the report. If you have one of those days, just look for the next favorable love day to come along in your Relationship Timing report, during which you will be able to improve your relationship in some way.

This report is a 5 year long list of relationship events and their dates.

Price $14.95

Computer Generated Written Reports

The Financial Timing Report uses Vedic Astrology principles to show the dates of all the financially beneficial days for you to look forward to for a five year period. Days of extra income, financially fortunate days and the days of setting the foundation for financial success are all shown. The report indicates which of these days will be the important life changing days during which long term financial benefits will begin as well as minor financially beneficial days that just give a little extra here and there. The report does not time days of financial loss or disaster – life is hard enough without having a time table of horrible days to look towards, so we decided to not put those days into the report. If you have one of those days, just look for the next favorable financial day to come along in your Financial Timing report, during which you will be able to improve your finances in some way.

This report is a 5 year long list of financial events and their dates.

Price $14.95

Computer Generated Written Reports

The “Looking forward to It” calendar uses Vedic Astrology principles to show the dates of the most important events to happen to you during the year. As the name of the calendar reveals, these are all desirable dates during which fulfilling activities will happen – they are indeed the days you can look forward too. The “Looking forward to It” Calendar focuses on fourteen different types of events. Why fourteen? While there are so many events that can be predicted with Vedic Astrology, a calendar can simply not fit them all, so we had to choose the most important type of events, events that lead towards a fulfilling life. Vedic Astrology uses not just one chart to examine your life, but several, with each chart dealing with one area of life. The “Looking forward to It” calendar analyzes each of the most important areas of life for each of these charts, and that leaves us with 14 types of events, the events that are most important to fulfill in order for you to have a happy and fulfilling life. Events covered are love, marriage, financial fortune, health, the doing of great things, unexpected days of good fate, knowledge, days of benefiting from your unique strengths and talents, emotional fulfillment, days where you shine, important days of associating with others, financial wellbeing, productive times with your partner including children, days where you have the freedom to make the changes in your life that you desire.

This report is a 1 year long calendar that begins on the month and year of your choosing. The calendar format of this report makes it very easy to see and look forward to the favorable events that are astrologically planned for you during the year.

Price $24.95

Computer Generated Written Reports

Datefinder: One of the most advantageous uses of astrology is in finding auspicious moments to begin an event. (This is known as Muhurta in India and as Electional Astrology in the West.) Remember buying a computer, car, house or some other expensive item and having nothing but problems with it? When problems such as these occur, it is likely that they were started at astrologically unfavorable moments. Starting these and other important activities during astrologically favorable moments can smooth out the road to success with whatever you start in life, be it a relationship, marriage, a job or even feeding your child for the first time.

Price $14.95

If you have any questions prior to ordering any of these items, please feel free to contact me through any of the modalities listed below.

United States: 1-866-503-8612
On Skype: MichaelReedAstro