Chitra 8th June, 2014 – Dignity and Desire

Dignity and Desire Photo by Michael Reed
Dignity and Desire Photo by Michael Reed
Dignity and Desire Photo by Michael Reed

Sometimes, it is our passion that helps us to endure difficulty to the extent that we can have the ultimate breakthrough that we need. Although it can be hard to feel uplifted and maintain a sense of hope when it seems as if all the odds are stacked against you, that depth of spirit is the very thing that you need to now find. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it is within reach. Let your dignity and desire for liberation light the way!

Please join me on Saturday 21st June 2014 at 9 pm London Time (4 pm US Eastern Time) for an Exciting Astrological Webinar where we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Birth Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. This workshop will provide you with a profound understanding of your own Personal Prosperity. When approached with awareness, both the ebbs and flows in the financial tide can contribute to future success. Through this workshop, you can learn how to make the most of both. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary.  As we will be working with the charts of all attendees, please allow two hours in your schedule. Fee for the class is $35. In addition to a PDF file of their birth chart, all attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, pre-registration is necessary. For further information or to register, please Click Here.

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