Moon in Mrigasira – You are letting yourself get too caught up in the grind of the situation! In turn, that is blocking your sense of perspective that would otherwise allow you to see a solution. It is an internal shift that needs to take place, only you are thinking in terms of how to change your external approach! One of the most important questions you can ask yourself at the moment is, do you feel you are doing this for the right reason. As we both know the answer to that is yes, know that you simply need to focus on that as being a given. Doing so will free the doubt and worry from your mind, which should in turn allow you to see a better strategy!
Next 2 Empower Hours that are scheduled are at the rate of $129! Schedule Here!
Vara: Moon
Tithi: Krishna Chaturdasi
Karana: Sakuni
Yoga: Vriddhi
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