by Michael Reed | Jan 31, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Through all of the ups and downs on life’s bumpy and twisty rooler coaster ride, it is all too easy to lose your sense of perspective on who you are and what you believe in. Such challenges do not arise purposeless. They are for a reason. A healthy dose of... by Michael Reed | Jan 29, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
How much time we spend walking around with our eyes shut tightly, ears and hearts shut down and mouths wide open! Such a facial expression is apt when it is donned in a sense of wonder, amusement or marvel. But when it carries the sound of incessant arrogant bantering... by Michael Reed | Jan 28, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Life, on some levels is a gamble. We can never be absolutely sure if the hunches we are following are based upon intuition or mere mental chatter unless we explore their validity. Then over time, through trial and error, we gain a deeper trust in the information that...
by Michael Reed | Jan 26, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Which is the strongest within you, your fear of the unknown? Or your faith in yourself to face any challenges which may arise with strength and awareness? When you are under pressure, are you merely a lump who hides under the blankets, or does the tension create a... by Michael Reed | Jan 25, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
When we have a specific approach in mind to achieve our goals, we often resist adaptation. Occasionally, the choice is to be flexible or give up on what we wish to attain. When acceptance is the only option, why choose to do something which would be futile and... by Plutonian Chronicles | Jan 25, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Plutonian Chronicles
There are certain periods of Time when we must have our proverbial backs pushed up against a brick wall. Why? Because, without that intensity of feeling that your worst fears may come to pass, there wouldn’t be sufficient reason for you to push just that little...