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Vault of the Heavens
Classical Parashari Astrology Principles
by Ernst Wilhelm


Vault of the Heavens covers all the classical Parashari Astrology principles: Bhavas, Rasis, Vargas, Nakshatras, Dasas, Avasthas, Combustion, Relationships, Houses, Conjunctions, Raja Yogas, Yoga Karakas, Navamsa, Dispositors, Shad Bala, Vimshottari Dasa, Subha/Asubha/Misra Yogas, House Lords in Houses, Judging the Horoscope, Developmental Qualities of the Planets, special chapters on Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, plus more. Vault of the Heavens has been considered the most informative astrological text that deals with a variety of subjects written with the depth that is typical of all of Ernst Wilhelm’s writings.

Price $14.95

Graha Sutras
A translation, with extensive commentary, of
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra’s Sutras on the planets, with supplementation from other ancient texts.
by Ernst Wilhelm


Graha Sutras is the first Volume of a series of Jyoitsh texts dealing with the predictive methods and principles found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. 384 pages of Grahas, Grahas and more Grahas make Graha Sutras the most thorough text available on the Grahas.

Contains Sanskrit Astrological Sutras with original and precise translations that will bring the planets to life in a profound manner. Original artwork portrays the images of the planets in accordance with the precise descriptions found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. There is even a chapter devoted to Graha Shanti – pacifying the planets.

Price $29.95

Core Yogas
Yokes to the Fruits of Karmas
by Ernst Wilhelm
Ebook PDF


Yoga means “yoke.” In Vedic Astrology, yogas are specific planetary configurations in the horoscope that yoke the individual to the fruits of his or her karmas. In Core Yogas, Yokes to the Fruits of Karmas, you will learn the important Yogas that have been signaled out by the ancient seers of Vedic Astrology. The important Yogas that give success, wealth, happiness and good qualities of character, as well as those indicating downfall, financial struggle, humiliation, suffering and a degraded character are given. Most importantly, proper guidelines are given that show you how to qualify a Yoga in order to correctly judge the impact that a yoga will have on the individual. Yogas are virtually a branch of Jyotish in themselves, which a careful study of this book will teach you.

  • All the yogas that have been given specific names by the ancient seers, over 215 important yogas.
  • Both dasa dependent and the non-dasa dependent yogas that indicate the inherent foundation and strength of the horoscope.
  • Special rules for determining the dasa/antardasa during which a yoga will give its effects.
  • Over 140 detailed example horoscopes. Including the fructification of the yoga during the appropriate Vimshottari Dasa/Antardasa.

Price $14.95

Classical Muhurta
Learn How to Select the Most Favorable Moment
by Ernst Wilhelm
Ebook PDF


Muhurta (known as electional astrology in the West), the astrological science of choosing a favorable moment to begin an activity such as marriage, travel, buying a house, etc. is perhaps one of the most demanding tasks placed upon an astrologer. It is here that the astrologer assumes the most responsibility in the clients life. Through this Vedic Astrology book, Classical Muhurta, you will gain a thorough understanding of Muhurta principles and confidently learn how to select the most favorable moment available in which to perform any event. In fact, Classical Muhurta, is the only Muhurta text that tells you exactly what each and every Muhurta component does, so you will finally learn what the Nakshatra, Tithi, Karana, Yoga, Vara, Nadika, Hora and all the rest actually do.

  • Each Muhurta factor is covered thoroughly and has a chapter devoted to it.
  • The relative importance of the many different Muhurta factors is explained in detail.
  • Specific Muhurta guidelines for over 140 different events- for any event you could ever hope to perform.
  • Pages of example Muhurtas help you to see the real-life effects of the different Muhurta factors.

Price $14.95

New! Jaimini Sutras Raw, Volume 1
A literal translation of the First Chapter of Jaimini’s Upadesa Sutras
by Ernst Wilhelm


For the first time in print a truly literal translation of the Jaimini’s mysterious Upadesa Sutras. This word-by-word, Sutra-by-Sutra translation by astrologer Ernst Wilhelm is a must read for those wishing to unravel the mysteries of Jaimini Astrology.

Sutra-by-Sutra, word-by-word rendition of Jaimini’s Upadesa Sutras. Many secrets of Jaimini revealed correctly for the first time in print.

A complete chapter devoted to the instruction of how to interpret Jaimini’s coded Sutras.

United States: 1-408-728-6257
On Skype: MichaelReedAstro