Bharani 26th May, 2014 – Facing the Tide

Facing the Tide by Michael Reed
Facing the Tide by Michael Reed
Facing the Tide by Michael Reed

You can choose to see something as insurmountable and impossible to deal with. You can relate to every negative aspect of what you are encountering with, filling yourself with apathy and resignation. But ultimately, that is not going to make it go away. Or, you could face the challenge and trust that you will come out the other side, stronger and more whole. What is happening now is for your benefit. It is meant to shift you into a more productive phase of your existence. Please try to go along with the changes you are now experiencing rather than resisting them.

Please join me on Saturday 31st May at 9 pm London Time for Learn Your Lunar Mansion, where we will discuss the Birth Star, or Nakshatra of all individuals who attend. This class will be conducted over an Interactive Web Conference, linking all of us via audio and allowing me to share my computer screen with you, write notes for deeper understanding and allow the same level of interaction as an in-person class; all from the comfort of your own home. All attendees will receive a PDF version of their Vedic Chart and a Video Recording of the class. Course fee is $20 and is by pre-registration only. There is still space available! No special software is needed to attend the workshop. For further information, please Click Here.

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