You can’t spend forever waiting for an answer! But you can afford to give it a little more time! Beggars can’t be choosers they say! But if you don’t set your sights for what you feel you deserve, do you ever stand a chance of reaching it! You may doubt that you are making the right choices at the present moment. But you are making ones that nourish you! Perhaps you are being picky? Nonsense! You are molding what you want out of nothing! And when the right resources come along, you will create a greater degree of perfection! Don’t second guess your intuition! Hold out for what feels right!
Daily Panchanga
Vara: Mars
Tithi: Krishna Chaturdasi
Karana: Vishti
Yoga: Vajra
Mercury Stations Direct on the Day of the New Moon in Ashlesha! Deeper insight into the limitations that have confronted you offer progress for the path ahead! Find out how to make the most of it through an Astrological Consultation!
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