Looking back on the journey you have been through, you may be able to identify a pattern! You may judge it as a wrong turn that you took on the road. But, perhaps that is a case of misjudgement. And if it’s not, it is likely irrelevant! You now know that you have to be true to form, true to yourself and walk your very own ‘high road’. No one else may be able to walk it with you! That may seem a lonely thought, but it is more empowering than you may imagine! You are gaining a clearer sense of the direction that seems to offer more fulfilment for you! And you are gradually gaining the backbone to more firmly set things in motion! You can even find a way of doing it in an agreeable manner. But, you must start somewhere and somehow! Now is that moment to do so!
What does 202 hold in store for you with a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and Eclipse Season kicking off the New Year? Find out by scheduling an Astrological Consultation Today!
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