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Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 13th December, 2012
If you enjoy and value my Weekly Authentic Horoscopes, you can also benefit even more profoundly from having an in-depth One Hour Telephone Consultation based…
Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 6th December, 2012
If you enjoy my Weekly Authentic Horoscopes each week, you can also have a 15 Minute Weekly Personal Audio for the week ahead from your…
Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 22nd November, 2012
When you know the potential that you are capable of, why would you choose to live in ignorance of it? We dupe ourselves into believing…
Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 15th November, 2012
The period between two eclipses can be a Profound Portal for a Conscious shift in Awareness. As energy intensifies with a conjunction between Mars and…
Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 17th January, 2013
On the 22nd and 23rd January ~ Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter engage in a series of powerfully harmonious alignments. Learn how to avail yourself of…