On 12th March, Mercury stations retrograde as it forms a tense angle with Pluto. This aspect comes just a day before the first exactitude of angle in the Grand Earth Trine. As energy builds, we are being pushed to the brink, so that we see with clarity the transformation which needs to occur. Much is at stake. For a deeper understanding of this aspect, please listen to my Free Audiocast.
[powerpress url=”https://michaelreedastrology.com/audiocasts/audiocast070312.flv”]
To find out how to avail yourself of the full potential of both the Mercury-Pluto Square and the Grand Earth Trine, please consider either an In-depth Personalised Audio Reports based upon your Complete Astrology, or one of my Telephone Consultation packages. Through either of these mediums, you will find out about the impact of these intense and transformational aspects upon your Complete Personal Astrology. For further offerings of Astrological Insight, please join me on Facebook.
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