These April 2025 Horoscopes are written especially with the Ascendant in mind and you will find them most accurate if you use that. Also excellent for the Moon and Sun Signs as well. But the Ascendant perspective is best.

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April 2025 Horoscopes


Did you dream it all? It’s hard to say. But save yourself the pain of pinching yourself as you are most definitely now awake! But like any moment upon first awakening, the veil between the two worlds is still foggy. You desire a bit more clarity before you march forward. Before you allow yourself to retreat back into a past moment simply because you miss someone, you need to ask if you really want all the stress. Besides you long to embark upon a path that is wild and new, reinventing yourself in the image of your wildest desires. You need to head in the direction that now most inspires you. But you question whether the path of creative abandon is really best. The lessons of the past have taught you that in order to honour those things which you bring to life, you must make sure you can commit to what you are creating. Hints of revolutionary change are in the air, but occasionally a measured revolution creates longer lasting change.

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Are you really trying to defend your decisions from the opinions of others? Or, are you trying to defend them from the doubtful one who dwells within you? You do not need to make everyone in your life happy and secure, you simply need to be secure within yourself. April may find you reviewing recent decisions, especially in the area of finances and asking yourself if you let your passions get the better of you. If you use this time to examine what isn’t working and free yourself from unnecessary social distractions, your time will not be wasted. Now is a time for you to strengthen your trust in yourself and your closest connections rather than cast your pearls before swine. Keep quiet about your choices and remain confident that you DO know the way!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


You’re not one to shrink away from a challenge now, are you? Just because a path is difficult, it doesn’t mean it is wrong. Often times the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. Besides, we both know that if you had allowed your career life to stay as it was, there would have only been conflict and chaos. So in short, something that may now seem difficult to surmount is far easier than what you would have had to overcome by choosing the ‘secure’ route. The path to freedom isn’t free, but it’s right. And a challenge can become a child’s play with the proper attitude. Sure, it may be difficult to put your finger on the source of the problem. But, with a strong dose of imagination and playfulness, something seemingly scary can transform into something radically exciting! And besides, you’ll figure it out!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


Sometimes when we don’t exit a door when it is open, the Universe gives us a subtle kick in the backside! An opportunity is opening to you that would allow you to build a happier future. But in taking it, would you initially be aiming too high only to leave yourself eventually falling flat? Do you have what it takes to seize the opportunity? Chances are you will need someone else to commit to your plan in order for things to go ahead. You are worried that too many cooks will spoil the broth and slow progress. As if that wasn’t enough to sort through, a fire is being lit through conflict within the workplace that seems to be adding an extra push for you to move on. You are being asked to take on more responsibility at a time when you want to prioritise those that you care for. The breaking point can come at the end of the month when loose lips make you want to set sail for other shores. Don’t fear that which offers your liberation!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


Being very responsible and resourceful, you are more accustomed to handling things for yourself! It’s what you prefer! That way if things go wrong, you know where the responsibility lies. Plus, the past has taught you that trusting a mouse to handle the job of a lion seldom has suitable results. But, recent events have been showing you that mice can be quite resourceful! Until they become a rat. There is much you have learned from a recent connection. That makes moving on from the connection much harder. But we all knew this day was coming. Rather than trusting them to have your back, you know it is now important that you back yourself to save your paying for their decisions. Your word should be law in your domain. And it is. of course But to make it firmer, underscored and in bold print and uppercase letters, you have to be willing to let go completely. You can be ready to do so if you want!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


Some people grace our lives through their presence and others do so by leaving it! It’s not your fault that they go! And you should presently be less concerned with people pleasing and more concerned with prioritising yourself. You have done much soul-searching on this topic recently. A partnership has run its course and it is now right for all parties involved that it reaches an end. You need less people talking about you behind your back and much more people supporting you face-to-face. You are entering a new phase of your life, one in which you are radically altering the way you look at things. And you need to surround yourself at the moment with those with whom you share more in common and less of those with whom you conflict! Who needs a piss party?

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April 2025 Horoscopes


Were you too rash with the recent relationship decision that you made? After all, we all make mistakes. And it would be so much easier to let bygones be bygones than it would be to rehash old differences. April finds you reviewing the partnership choices you may have recently made. You feel this person is very important to you, and you don’t want to lose the connection. So, that is understandable. But, does it not also make sense that if you do value this relationship, then you need to recognise the rot of the old problem that needs to be confronted if things are to move forward differently? You are at a crossroads. But there need to be some boundaries firmly in place. It is likely the line will be crossed again. When will enough be enough? Only you can decide. But if you want this to work, there’s no sense in ignoring the problem!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


A decision may have seemed small when you first entertained it. But now that you have committed to it, suddenly you recognise the importance of each step. You are keenly aware that your actions will impact others. And though many people accuse Scorpio of being self-centred, we know your compassion holds more depth than many know. The people in your life mean a lot! So, you want to get things right. The best way to ensure that you do is to own your choices and accept what they bring your way. Over time, you will become more secure in knowing that you were not merely trying to prove a point in setting off on this journey alone. You were doing what you knew to be right for all involved.

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April 2025 Horoscopes


You know what would make you happy, but the path to your fulfilment doesn’t seem as safe as you would like it to be. You are thinking that perhaps if you were able to voice your needs more effectively, it might help to smooth things a bit. But when you try to do so, it results in opposition. Could it be that on one level you are torn about what you truly want? Sometimes to relate more deeply to another, we have to first feel more secure within ourselves. How can you voice what you really need when you don’t fully know that for yourself? It’s confusing in your world at the moment Sag! But, you are on the verge of sorting all of this out. Please know that along the way, you may find that you have to establish firmer boundaries with another. Don’t hesitate to do so!y find you have to establish firmer boundaries with another. Don’t hesitate to do so!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


Speaking your truth is simply that… speaking YOUR truth! You see, the funny thing is, that we all have different ideas of what ‘truth’ is due to different perspectives on reality. You may have recently dealt with someone preaching their reality to you as the gospel. Perhaps you believed it more than you should have. An unexpected turn of events can cause you to unleash your bottled-up true perspective thereby challenging theirs. Oddly enough, this can be more beneficial for your connection with them in the long run. It may initially catch them off guard, but eventually build their confidence in you as someone not afraid to show their hand. You will need their friendship and mutual honesty going forward!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


Just because someone once helped you out, it doesn’t give them the right to hold you back! You used to be much more concerned about their opinion! Now it is becoming less important than pocket lint and even less valuable. Especially when they think they should have a hand in deciding what is right for you, or your children for those of you who have them. Your world is determined by your decisions and not their opinion. Don’t bother trying to explain yourself to them. It doesn’t matter if they understand your perspective. It’s not important that they do! It’s more important that YOU do! It’s time to rule your own roost. Moving forward may mean letting go of a few connections. But to be fair, you need to release the burden. Don’t be sad. Some of them will come around in time. And for those who don’t, bid a fond adieu to the odd fondue! You never did like the dips anyway!

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April 2025 Horoscopes


It certainly is a wide and wild world, wilder than you had imagined before you embarked upon this journey. And now you recognise that you may have made a misjudgement. Commitments may have been made that are now hard for you to honour. Don’t dwell on it too deeply! The Universe has a funny way of laying to waste even the best-laid plans. It’s okay to ask for help in moving forward. But be sure you are clear on what you need and do your best to not be unrealistic in your expectations of another. Being clear and thorough in your communication. Doing so helps to preserve the integrity of the connection. And it is likely that you and this other person will soon be involved in a process of negotiation. If so, be firm, but equally, be practical. You can handle everything that is confronting you. You are just dealing with an adjustment period.

A Detailed Look at March for Your Full Horoscope can reveal So Much More! Starting at Only $99! Schedule Here!