If you are feeling disenchanted with a particular scenario, it is important that you acknowledge as much. But at the same time, this may not be a situation where you can ‘jump ship’ so to speak! Things have not worked out to plan. On a certain level, that feels humiliating to you! But you will bounce back from this situation, and probably more quickly than you think. Be honest with yourself about your perceived limitations! Doing so will likely lead to you discovering that you are less limited than you think! Remaining down in the dumps does not help anyone who is aiming for the stars! Be willing to move on from a perceived defeat!

Daily Panchanga
Vara: Moon
Tithi: Shukla Shashthi
Karana: Kaulava
Yoga: Sadhya

There are 3 spaces left on the Group Session about the transits of Ketu, Saturn and Rahu! On this session on 12th August, 7 pm London Time, all attendees will have their chart briefly assessed in relation to the transits for only $49! Registration is open until those spaces are filled! Details Here!



