It’s not always easy to get the balance right between two extreme ways of reacting! You’re dealing with a stressful situation in which you are trying to take a cooperative approach! But at the same time, things feel a little too close for comfort! So in your thoughts, you feel that on one level it might be best to assert your strength a little bit rather than simply going along for the ride! If you react in an emotional manner, you are certain to get swept into the maelstrom of emotional confusion! But if you keep things in perspective and try to not only see but also understand why things may not be going to plan, you stand a chance of pulling yourself through this one! Don’t get in a tailspin when you focus need to be in front of you!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Jupiter
Tithi: Shukla Chaturthi
Yoga: Atiganda

Mercury Stations Retrograde today through 20th November and will tranist Anuradha, Vishakha and Swati Nakshatra! Find out what it means for you by scheduling an Astrological Consultation!



