Your recent journey has taught you that an attempt at heroism will likely only lead to a further degree of confusion! But, it doesn’t stand to reason that you should sit by idly and abstain from taking action! The only problem is, you are feeling stuck! You want the action that you take to have the right juice and to be carefully thought out! But when you analyse too much, that also leads to confusion as you are asking the mind to do something that it cannot at the moment…which is to be perfect! This results in further confusion leading ultimately to further frustration! But that fire of frustration can also serve a positive purpose. It can rile you until you regain your confidence! And if added to that level of confidence, you can stop your mind from working overtime, tap back into your natural rhythm and remember the real reason you are here, you will identify the essence of what you need to do! Remember, the devil is in the details! Don’t get trapped!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Saturn
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Vyatipata





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