Vedic Lunar Scope: Mula 15th March, 2012 – The Lives and Times of a Shadow

Vedic Lunar Scope: Mula 15th March, 2012 - The Lives and Times of a Shadow
Authentic Man

We fear our own potential. And so it continues, we hide from ourselves, live in our smallness and project it upon others. We shy away from our strength, for to wield it means to accept responsibility. When you have been living in the Dark for so long, you become afraid of the Light, for dimness has become as familiar as an old friend. Then comes that moment. The paradigm is shattered. An opportunity is presented. Such a moment is now. Hide your head in the sand no longer. Allow the Darkness to dissolve, and embrace your newly found ability to see and accept the Truth. The final angles in the Grand Earth Trine become exact today. But even though it now begins its separation, we will be integrating its effects for quite some time. To find out about the impact of this profound aspect upon your Complete Personal Astrology, please consider either one of my In-depth Personalised Audio Reports based upon your Complete Astrology, or one of my Telephone Consultation packages.

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Vedic Lunar Scope: Mula 15th March, 2012 - The Lives and Times of a Shadow

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