Vedic Lunar Scope: Swati 13th February, 2012 – Haste Makes Waste

Vedic Lunar Scope: Swati 13th February, 2012 - Haste Makes Waste
Authentic Man

When something, or someone, gets our goat it is difficult to remain objective. Passion burns and the flames are not easily tamed. At times, they should not be dampened. Quite often, their heat is meant to set our feet afire so that we act. But, there are those moments when patience and perspective are more appropriate. If there is an inkling of doubt in your mind as to whether your perception may be clouded, it may be best to err on the side of caution. Don’t allow restlessness to give rise to foolishness.

Vedic Lunar Scope: Swati 13th February, 2012 - Haste Makes WasteThere are still 24 hours left to avail yourself of a 50% discount on my One Hour Telephone Consultations by becoming a new ‘Like’ on my Facebook Page. Once you have ‘liked’ me, please just send an email to and I will email a link to purchase the Consultation at the reduced price. Click Here to visit my Facebook Page, where you will also find additional astrological insights!

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