The Universe exists in a state of symbiosis, thriving upon vital interaction between all of its parts. Not one part is more important than another. If a certain body part declared itself as more worthy than another, would it not find that, divorced from the remainder, it would be useless? In its selfishness, humanity has abused the Consciousness given to understand the importance of this symbiosis. Humans, and indeed nations, have become egotistically isolated through creating a system based upon dualism, with no respect for Other. Is it any wonder that, with such rampant disrespect, we are facing Global Crisis?
Our Authentic Subscriber Service is based upon symbiosis. Our Mission is in supporting the Awakening of Awareness through the the Conscious use of Astrology as a Universal Language. By subscribing you will receive: a Monthly 15-minute Personal Audiocast based upon your complete Astrology; followed by a Monthly follow-up 15 minute Telephone Consultation with Authentic Man. And, in addition, you will receive twice yearly 50% discounts on our 1 hour Telephone Consultation price. To read our Testimonials, please Click Here. Together, we can grow and sustain Consciousness….
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