Ashlesha 6th May, 2014 – Hope Amongst the Ruins

Hope Amongst the Ruins by Michael Reed
Hope Amongst the Ruins by Michael Reed
Hope Amongst the Ruins by Michael Reed

A recent transformation may find you re-evaluating your position. Truth be known, the results of you doing so are likely a mixed bag. there are ideas that are arising which you wish to explore. Possibilities are opening up. But, you are aware that you may have to muster courage in order to avail yourself. Additionally, there are one or two good long range ideas which you have been considering relinquishing due to the amount of time their realisation will take. The key to it all? Be patient, tolerant; but also adventurous. You are closing the door on a rather difficult chapter of your life. By all means, use the wisdom you have gained. But, don’t be hindered by past mistakes.

On Friday, 9th May, 2014 at 9 pm London Time, I will be hosting an Online Astrological Webinar, Wealth and Success in Your Birth Chart. Join me for this class and we will explore the indicators of Wealth and Success in your Astrological Chart using the Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology. No prior astrological knowledge is necessary. You will come away from this workshop enriched with a deeper understanding of your ebbs and flows and a more profound understanding of prosperity. Through astrology, you can learn how to make the most of the slow times and reap the greatest benefit from the successful moments. This class will run from 60-90 minutes in length, dependent upon questions from attendants. Fee for the class is $20. All attendees will receive a video copy of the Webinar for review at their convenience. Space is limited. So, please reserve early! For further information, Please Click Here.

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