Cosmos and Consciousness Module 2

Cosmos and Consciousness

Cosmos and Consciousness Module 2

You are in a state of communication with the Cosmos at all times. You just may not be fully aware of it?

What if you were able to be ever more deeply aware of this celestial conversation?

The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, known as the Nakshatras, function like a messaging system between your Consciousness and the Cosmos.

The Moon is Manas, our Consciousness or Sensory Mind, which is meant to reflect the Light of the Sun, or the Soul, but waxes and wanes in its capacity to do so. The Moon in simplicity relates to our capacity to grow our being! So, the Nakshatras define how this is done. Though the Moon is important in understanding Nakshatras, all the Planets and even House Cusps can be in Nakshatras.

These Lunar Mansions speak a language of symbolism to our Consciousness that is quite often sharp and crisp in definition.

Here’s what we will be covering in the first module.

Module 1

  • Uttara Phalguni
  • Hasta
  • Chitra
  • Swati
  • Vishakha
  • Anuradha
  • Jyeshtha
  • Mula
  • Purva Ashadha
  • Uttara Ashadha
  • Sravana
  • Dhanishtha
  • Shatabhisha
  • Purva Bhadrapada
  • Uttara Bhadrapada
  • Revati

Course Information

Difficulty: Fundamentals

Course Instructor

Michael Reed avatar Michael Reed Author

The focus of my work is in assisting my clients in discovering and living in harmony with their true potential, thereby aligning their own soul’s rhythm in harmony with the Pulse of the Universe. To do so, I utilise the ancient art and science of Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish. As a Counseling Astrologer with over twenty-five years of experience in the astrological field, I have shared my gift with thousands of clients worldwide.

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