The Wise – Moon in Bharani 7th March, 2022


Moon in Bharani – The wise bide their time. The wise wait for their moment! The wise don’t rise to the bait when it is put in front of them. But the wise aren’t aware of how much you have been repressing in a situation that you have long been ready to move on from! Perhaps you don’t even know! You don’t want to find out right now. There is a time for your anger. And, it is righteous. But, that time isn’t now! But, that time isn’t now. So, do the one thing the eise haven’t….walk away!

The Beta Launch of my 6 Week Empowerment Program Launches Soon to Two More Clients! One of Them Could Be You! Reach Out through the Chat Bot Below for Further Details!

Vara: Moon
Tithi: Shukla Panchami
Karana: Baalava
Yoga: Vaidhriti

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