Identifying Waxing vs Waning Moon in Horoscope
Hi @MichaelReedVedicAstrologer I was able to understand the difference between the Waxing and the Waning Moon and that when the moon is in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th house from the Sun, it’s Waxing Moon and when it’s in the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th house from the Sun, it’s Waning Moon. Was able to understand the examples shared and discussed, but am still a little confused and am missing an important link somewhere. In the chart shared, I tried validating my knowledge but am unsure. As per the real personality and nature, it should be a Waning Moon but if I go by the understanding of the Moon being in the 6th house from the Sun, it would be a Waxing Moon. Can you please guide as to which is the correct state of the moon? And what am I missing. Thank You for your guidance.
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