Complete Career Analysis 90 Minutes Booking

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The Career Analysis Technique that I use is not just a simple look at the lord of the 10th and its associations. It is an in-depth analysis that involves looking at multiple interactions with the Atmakaraka, or self-indicator, which shows not only who we are but also what we are meant to bring to the world. I look at interactions with it in the Rasi (D1), Navamsa (D9), Hora (D2), Chaturthamsa (D4) and Dasamsa (D10) Charts in order to understand the many Career Potentials. We also need to understand which of those potentials you are likelier to do during a particular planetary period. Also, I don’t want to waste your time by pointing you in the direction of pursuits that are going to drain you more than they help you. So of the potential career planets, we need to see which will actually help you to get ahead in life during the particular phase that you find yourself in. From there, I look at house associations. For example, a second house career can be much different than an 11th house career. Nakshatras are also taken into the equation. Then I look for confluence and Voila! We then have the best career path for you! Any left-over time in your consultation, for which we have 90 Minutes, can be used for any predictive related or other questions that you may have.

My consultations are presently available in a person to person over the internet format. Pre-recorded may be an option upon special request. All readings are recorded to video. I am very thorough in my assessment of each question asked and consider it an honour and a privilege to serve my clients. I am exceptionally devoted to my work. My approach is scientific and thorough. I often use several different techniques to address each question to ensure the highest level of accuracy possible. What you are paying for is not merely the length of the consultation, but also for very thorough astrological research into your chart. If you would like to read and understand more about my approach, please click here! Should you have any questions or wish to discuss your particular needs prior to scheduling, please feel free to Contact Me. With all options, upon scheduling please be sure to send the following information:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Time of Birth (if known)
  • Location of Birth

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