Mula 14th July, 2019 – Unacceptable?

When you have had enough, you’ve had enough! And it’s not only a feeling of being fed up that you may be coping with, but also a sense that it is your responsibility to make sure that change happens as quickly as possible! In your heart, you feel like you are cooperating. Externally though, there is resistance! This is something you are inclined not to accept. But you would be better off doing so, for now! Those restrictions that won’t budge are like guiderails to keep you from careening off the appropriate path! So whilst you feel a need to get to the bottom of this, doing so is less a matter of assertion and more one of trying to understand that which is creating the problem. Little by little, you are doing so. Be content to call that progress!

Daily Panchanga
Vara: Sun
Tithi: Shukla Trayodasi
Karana: Taitila
Yoga: Aindra

Tuesday brings a potent, Partial Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Ashadha! Learn how to make the most of these transformative energies to co-create a better future! Schedule a Consultation!





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