Weekly Authentic Horoscopes for Week Beginning 6th December, 2012

Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

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Aries (21st March – 20th April) – All that we need naturally flows to us when we are in a state of true prosperity. In actuality, it flows to us all of the time. It’s just that we do not see it, or trust in its existence. Your opportunity to prosper could be staring you in the face this very moment. You can’t stay fixed in the internal space that you are in ad infinitum. You must make a change. And, a positive outcome is absolutely possible. So, believe in yourself and remove the blinders from your eyes. What has seemed unattainable, may not actually be so. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Taurus (21st April – 21st May) – The life, love and happiness that we desire can never flow to us if we remain fixed upon a moment in the past. It should be fairly simple to understand that you cannot move forward when you are holding on to what is behind you. No matter how pleasant or unpleasant that past moment may have been, it is now time to bid it farewell as it vanishes into the fog. Trust now in the person you are becoming. The vital parts of who you were in the past shall never be lost. So, stop holding on. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Gemini (22nd May – 21st June) – It is easy to become disheartened by opposition and conflict. They assault our senses with uncertainty and insecurity. The current astrological climate finds you questioning. But, you must not lose faith in your aspirations. Hold the space; allow the challenge you now face to wash over you. Smell its fragrance, taste its flavour, hear its cacophony, but then allow it to dissipate. In the wake of the flood of sensations, you shall find fertile ground. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Cancer (22nd June – 22nd July) – Adherence to a philosophy which has nourished and sustained our growth is positive, to a certain extent. Should there come a time when an opportunity for a broader perspective arises, progress would grind to a standstill should you resist the chance out of a sense of fervent devotion. Your belief in yourself has recently deepened, and that should be maintained at all cost. But, where you are experiencing conflict, take it as a hint that it is time to explore new territory. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM



Leo (23rd July – 22nd August) – A celestial slap in the face can often be a precursor to a cosmic kick in the rear. And although it can be a rude awakening, it definitely provides the necessary impetus for change. You sense that a specific route you are seemingly being forced down is simply not possible to achieve. Have you ever questioned your strength before? Yes, quite often. And that’s a compliment. You should not, however, do so when you are being called to pursue a vital quest. As it does this week. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Virgo (23rd August – 23rd September) – Try an experiment this week. If a certain key relationship seems questionable, try halting your process of self-analysis. What is the result? A course of action which you recently set in motion has required much in the way of dedication. Your devotion can now pay off. But, you must strive to see things from a broader perspective. Purify yourself of the pains of the past. Practice not being too persnickety, especially in regards to yourself. You may be surprised at the doors that open for you. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Libra (24th September – 23rd October) – A disagreement need not always be based upon a conflict of  belief. Sometimes it is merely founded upon a misunderstanding. Even if we speak the same language as another, it can often seem that we don’t. Occasionally, the problem is one of misinterpreting the words of our own soul, rather than the words or actions of another. Ask yourself where the basis of your current crisis lies. If the problem starts with you, it can end in the same place. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Scorpio (24th October – 23rd November) – Thomas Carlyle, a nineteenth century satirical writer once said, “Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with”; and also that economics is “the dismal science”. If you attempt to satisfy your soul through money and material reward, you will always find yourself wanting. If you delve into the deepest part of your heart, you will certainly experience both extreme pain and the highest realms of bliss. But, if you look deeply enough into your own soul, you will discover eternity. Pursue the one treasure that is everlasting. Your soul is the sextant and your heart the rudder as you now traverse the deepest seas. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December) – Strive for freedom with every breath of your heart. If you collapse in the process, you will have died fulfilled. Know yourself and you will be able to face the demons of the night with countless armies of angels. If you doubt the courage of your heart, you are lost. But, if you now persevere with the creativity that only you can muster, you shall surely reach ever greater heights. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January) – A commitment is now called for. You must choose a direction. You can allow yourself to become overwhelmed by all of the details of potential outcomes and the intricacies that are subsequently implied, if you want. Or, you can choose to simplify your situation by asking yourself the following, then answering from the deepest recesses of your heart. Are you going to serve your fears, or your potential? Certainly there is a risk involved, and it is good to be aware of that risk, to a degree. But, what you must now do is to practice spiritual common sense by being courageous. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Aquarius (21st January – 19th February) – The path to which you are committed presents you with a challenge this week. In order to persevere, you may find yourself in the position of having to relinquish a belief which has been a crutch upon which you been able to rely. But, if you wish to be healed and made truly whole, you will relinquish such a prop. If you are afraid of what you stand to lose by being yourself, think again about what you are throwing away by not doing so. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM


Pisces (20th February – 20th March) – Regardless of how high the ups or how low the downs, never lose sight of yourself. No matter how blurry the image, keep the broader perspective within sight. Your fears about the path forward can now tempt you to take the easy way out. You are concerned with protecting something that is very dear to you, and your feelings are understandable. The path ahead may be challenging. But, you must be true to yourself in order to reach your long term goals and to nourish that which is important to you. If you truly value and appreciate all the Conscious work of Authentic Astrology, then you can play a vital sustaining and supportive  role in the continuation of its Message and Mission by availing yourself of the pro-sperous benefits, wisdom and clarity to be gained from either one of my range of In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports ~ or from a highly empathic and enlightening Telephone Consultation. Thank you for your valuable readership and vital support. We’re working for Change. AM



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