Live Webinar Course! Rahu and Ketu: Interpreting and Predicting the Nakshatras

Learn to accurately interpret and predict using Rahu, Ketu and the Nakshatras!

Learn to accurately interpret and predict using Rahu, Ketu and the Nakshatras!

Please read fully for registration instructions.

This Course is presently ongoing, but you can join in at any time, participate in live weekly classes on Saturday Evenings from 8:30-10 pm London Time over Zoom, plus have access to all of the previous classes through purchasing either a Silver, Gold or Platinum Upgrade Add-On to the Certification Membership.

Please note that upon registration, I will have to manually add the previous classes already held to your account as well as email you connection details to connect to the Live Webinar that is held weekly. Though it is often much sooner, please allow 24 hours for this to be processed whilst you enjoy the rest of the courses on the account.

If you want to solve a problem, you have to go to the source from which it originates! And it is also helpful to know the areas of your life impacted by that problem and when you are likely to confront it! Consciousness condenses into denser and denser layers before it finally takes the form of our physical incarnation! Astrology illustrates this particular point beautifully with the Planets (Grahas) interacting through the Nakshatras to begin to create the Cosmic and Karmic drama through the Signs (Rasis), which then further impact our existence through the various areas of life indicated through the Houses (Bhavas). But before the state of material incarnation comes the interaction of the Nakshatras, which set the tone of the condition in which various factors of our lives will evolve. This happens before the Signs and before the Houses and is an important factor to understand!

Rahu and Ketu are the main Karmic Factors in the Horoscope! That is the reason that understanding the Nakshatras that Rahu and Ketu are placed in becomes so vitally important to integrate! It helps us to more deeply fathom the meaning of the lesson we are each brought into existence to learn, integrate and hopefully use to graduate from this Great Academy of Existence!

Live Class Time is from 8:30-10 pm London Time on Sunday Evenings. This course will be three modules in total! Class will be held at the same time weekly with 22nd November being the final class of the 13 Week First Module. We will then take a break for the Winter Holidays and resume with Module 2 on 3rd January 2021.

Class will be taught via Zoom Web Conferencing software which is available for free download by Clicking Here. To find out the time in your particular country, please visit . This time has been chosen with International consideration.

Should you wish to have further background, the Esoteric and Therapeutic Nakshatra Secrets Course is a perfect companion and already a part of your Academy Membership.

Each class is recorded to video and made available for download and reference. So if you have to miss classes, there is no problem with catching up with the material. Along with the videos of each class, powerpoint documents with class notes will be made available.

Some of the topics of this course are listed below.

  • Working with Rasis, Houses and Nakshatras to Interpret the Evolutionary Path of Rahu and Ketu through all of the Nakshatra Pairings using numerous examples
  • Concrete Predictive Techniques for Working with the Dasa Period of the Nodes
  • How Nodes Produce the Agenda of the Planet they Conjunct in the Rasi Chart in all the other Vargas
  • How Rahu Separates from Specific Factors
  • How the Individual Seeks Security from the Areas Ketu influences in the Horoscope
  • House Agendas that Rahu and Ketu will Likely Produce and how they Create that Agenda
  • Plus More

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