Live Webinar: Jaimini Level 2 Webinar Course

A Live Webinar on Jaimini Level 2 Techniques

A Live Webinar on Jaimini Level 2 techniques!

This Course is presently ongoing, but you can join in at any time, participate in live classes alternate weeks on Sunday Evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm London Time over Zoom, plus have access to all of the previous classes through purchasing either a Silver, Gold or Platinum Upgrade Add-On to the Certification Membership.

Please note that upon registration, I will have to manually add the previous classes already held to your account as well as email you connection details to connect to the Live Webinar that is held every other week. Though it is often much sooner, please allow 24 hours for this to be processed whilst you enjoy the rest of the courses on the account.

Jaimini Astrology gives us the tools with which to know not only who a person will be but also the many ‘Concrete’ things that the individual will either have in their life, or not. through using its techniques, we can know if someone is likely to have children in their life, and if so how many they will have. We can also know the level of success and power available to the person as well as the quality of wealth! Plus through the utilisation of its Rasi Dasa system, a very simple and equally highly accurate system of prediction can be practiced.

It is simultaneously one of the simplest techniques for chart interpretation in existence and also one of the most accurate…once you know how to work with it! That is the purpose of this course! This is the second level to the Jaimini Course, the first level of which was in 2019. Though not a pre-requisite, I highly recommend that all potential students take the first level of the course which, although it is not yet available on the Academy, will be made available to all registrants from a Dropbox Folder.

On this course, we will be completing the sutras that were not covered in the first course and making a foray into exploring the several Rasi Dasas that Jaimini has given us with a few explored with each module of the course. Jaimini gives us not only one Dasa to work with, but at least 12 dependent upon interpretation, each of which has a special function and many of which have different rules. If we are not able to cover all of these Dasas on the Level 2 Course, there will be extra modules added to the syllabus. I want to take time with these sutras and techniques to provide many examples so that the information is deeply integrated. I want all students leaving this course to have a decent understanding of how to work with these techniques. For that reason, I do not wish to rush the syllabus.

Class time will be from 6:30-8 pm London Time. To find out the time in your particular country, please visit . This time has been chosen with International consideration and in balance with my own schedule.

Class will be taught via Zoom Web Conferencing software which is available for free download by Clicking Here. All classes on a particular module will be recorded and a copy of each class made available within a few days of class for review by students. If you have to miss a class for any reason, you will have a video recording of the material you might have missed.

I hope you will join us!

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