From the Fires! – Ashlesha New Moon 8th August, 2021

Ashlesha New Moon

Ashlesha New Moon – From the fires of a difficult experience can arise a new vista which opens up not only awareness, but also opportunity! But you mustn’t forget the process of purification that brought you here! The pain of recognising that much of your life had been off balance brought to stark clarity the necessity for change! Would you now cast that aside and get deeply engrossed in what you think you have to do? Would you once again allow yourself to be deeply attached to a pursuit that simply hasn’t worked and relentlessly attempt to push it through to creation? Would you put to the side the nagging doubt which causes you to question the path you are on? Equally, would you allow the memory, the recognition of attachment and the doubt to control you? Or will you now listen to what your awareness is telling you in the moment? Are you ready to accept its wisdom and transform to bring about the next moment, progressing moment by moment? You have a clean slate and a choice! Make something miraculous, one step at at a time!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Sun
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Variiyas

Learn what the New Moon will set in motion for you in the weeks ahead! Schedule through my Astrological Services Page!

Ashlesha New Moon

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